Home Interview BPO Interview questions and answers[PDF]

BPO Interview questions and answers[PDF]

by Sudha Singh

In this post we are going to discuss some basic BPO interview questions and answers and we can assure you that by preparing these questions and answers, you can easily ace your interview.

BPO is one of the fastest growing industry and it has numerous career option for young generations who are ready to work in a fast paced and competitive environment.

BPO jobs are best suited to individuals who are extrovert and friendly in nature and also having excellent communication skill is must .

Do your own research on the company and practice common interview question and answers ahead of the time. It gives you confidence and allows you to stand out as an excellent candidate.

BPO Interview Tips

  • Show passion for the job and display your positive personality during the interview.
  • Speak in clear voice with confidence.
  • Whenever required personalize you answers with real examples.
  • Do not afraid to ask questions to your interviewers if you are unsure of anything.

Now, let us take a look at most common BPO interview question with answers.

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1. Why do you want to join BPO?

There could be multiple reason for joining BPO. Quick job, easy money, working hour, part-time job options. Know what the company are looking for, and align this with your career prospects. Highlight your relevant skills, goals and aspirations in line with the role.

2. What do mean by BPO?

Business process outsourcing (BPO) is a term used for contracting the specific task or processes to the third-party vendor. 

outsourcing is beneficial as the third-party provider focuses on particular task, thus it is able to do it better, faster and cheaper than the hiring company could.

3. What is BPM?

BPM stands for business process management. It is the process of dealing with or controlling things or people more effectively and efficiently to an over changing environment.

4. What is the difference between back office and front office outsourcing?

Voice Process / Front Office Employees working in voice process BPO needs to talk with customers and resolve their queries .

Non Voice Process / Back Office These BPO services include: data entry, quality assurance, data management, appointment selection, payment processing, and surveys.

5. What is on shore and off shore outsourcing?

Offshore outsourcing is a type of outsourcing where an organization signs a contract for services offered by a company in the foreign country.

Domestic outsourcing or onshore outsourcing is a type where an organization contracts for services in the same country as a hiring organization.

6. Being such a bright student why you want to join BPO?

It depends upon the person’s perception how they take the job. If you are able to achieve your goals and well satisfied with what you are doing, then that’s a good job for you. You can also Illustrate your knowledge of BPO atmosphere and the challenging work you are going to get in the position.

7. Tell me the difference between hard work and smart work?

Let me help you with an example, you have to reach for a place that is quite far from you. Ideally if you start walking it will take an hour to reach over there. if you start walking now and probably after one hour if you are able to reach there then that’s a hard work. And in case while walking if you manage to get a lift and reach there within 10 min then that’s a smart work.

8. Why you want to join our company?

It would be best opportunity for me to start my career with a leading business services provider in India & across the world. It is such a rapidly growing and well-reputed company and I am truly looking forward to build up my career & hope to grow with the Organization.

9. Are you ready to work in night shift?

BPO job shift totally depends upon the hiring company working timeline and their requirement . Most of the BPO’s provide 24×7 shift coverage to their clients. So, your answer should be ‘yes’ certainly.

10. What type of work environment do you prefer?

When it comes to my work environment, I can be flexible. I like to work in an environment where productivity is high and I feel comfortable working with people who have sense of commitment and who are passionate about their work.

11. How do you deal with pressure or stressful situation?

Think about the difficulties you have faced and overcome challenges in order to achieve your current position. And ask a question to yourself what you are willing to sacrifice to retain this position.

12. This work can be repetitive. What motivates you to do work?

Whatever you do there is always something to learn. It depends upon how you take. You can answer like: My desire to become successful in my professional life motivates me.

13. Where do you expect to be in 5 years of time?

My aim is to be among the top performers in the next 3-6 months. After showing consistent results for another 6 to 12 months, I will aim to become a team leader in the same company because I believe that growing with the same company will give me a strong foundation for my career growth.

14. What can you bring to the company?

You should be able to convince the interviewer that you are someone apt and different from the other interviewee’s.
Highlight your skills and characteristics that are a perfect match and required for the job.
Focus on the positive features or traits that you possess.

15. How would you approach handling confidential information?

Right people, right job and right information . In other words make sure you share right information to the right people, that’s called confidentiality.

16. Can you multi-task? typing while talking, for example?

This is one of the crucial requirement for any BPO jobs. So, the answer should be yes and also make ready some example to balance your words.

17. Why do companies outsource their work?

Companies outsource their business services for primarily three reasons:

  • To save time and money
  • To focus on their core product
  • To engage a third party in quality customer services

18. What is quality customer service?

Quality customer service is one of the most important things that can differentiate your business from its competitors. It means helping customers efficiently, in a friendly manner and always being positive and willing to assist your customers to the best of your ability.

Always try to give specific examples of good customer service either from your work experience or from your personal experiences as a consumer.

19. What is your typing speed?

Give an accurate and detailed answer regarding your typing speed. Make sure you have the information ready before you go for an interview.

20. How much you rate yourself on your communication skills?

Remember that BPO job look out for candidates who are good in communication. Hence, rate yourself from 8-9 out of 10 for this question.

21. What computer skills do you have?

I’m proficient with Microsoft Office suite including Word, Excel, and Power Point. I can create fully functional spreadsheets and am familiar with organizing and analyzing large sets of data. If you do not have much experience with a required software program, be honest about this when asked.

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