Indian Bank Security Guard Recruitment 2019: Indian Bank has invited the applications from Ex-servicemen for the recruitment of Security Guard cum Peon in Subordinate cadre. Last Date to apply online is 08.11.2019
Govt Job
IOCL Recruitment 2019: Indian Oil Corporation Limited(Gujrat Refinery) the largest commercial undertaking in India has released the Notification for the recruitment of 38 experienced personnel for Junior Engineer Assistant posts. Online Application process has started and the last date is 30.10.2019.
Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd (MRPL) Recruitment 2019: Apply Online for 233 Posts
by Sudha SinghMangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd (MRPL) Recruitment: MRPL, a Schedule ‘A’ Mini Ratna Central Public Sector Enterprise and subsidiary of ONGC; has invited the online Applications for the recruitment of 233 Various Posts such as: Security Inspector, Tech Assistant Trainee Mechanical, Chemical, Electrical, etc.
UPPCL Personnel Officer Recruitment: Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited has invited the Online applications for the recruitment of 15 Personnel Officer. Eligible and interested candidate should read the official notification and must apply on or before 14.11.2019.
Delhi Police Head Constable Recruitment 2019: Delhi Police has released the official notification for the recruitment of temporary Head Constable (Ministerial) (Group ‘C’) in Delhi Police in Level 4 Pay Matrix (Rs. 25500-81100) plus allowances. Delhi Police Head Constable online application will start from 14.10.2019 and the last date to apply is 13.11.2019.
Central Coalfield Limited (CCL) Recruitment 2019: Apply Online for 825 Junior Overman & Apprentice Post
by adminCentral Coalfield Limited Recruitment 2019: Central Coalfields Limited has released the notification for the recruitment of Trade Apprentice vacancies & Junior Overman Posts. Total of 825 Vacancies has been released under various Trade.
SAIL Bhilai recruitment 2019: Apply Online for 296 OCT, ACT, Staff nurse & Other Posts
by Sudha SinghSAIL Bhilai recruitment 2019: SAIL Bhilai, has released the official notification for the recruitment of OCT (Operator cum Technician), ACT (Trainee/Boiler Operator), Mining Foreman, Surveyor, Jr. Staff Nurse (Trainee) & Other various Posts. Interested candidate can apply online on or before 15.11.2019.
Indian Coast guard Recruitment for Navik(DB)- Join Indian Coast Guard has invited applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment to the post of Navik {Domestic Branch (Cook & Steward)} in the Indian Coast Guard, an Armed Force of the Union.
PSPCL Assistant Lineman Recruitment: Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd., has released the official notification for the post of Assistant Lineman. The corporation has notified the total of 3500 vacancies for the Punjab Assistant Lineman posts.
Bombay High court Recruitment: Bombay high court has invited the Applications for the recruitment of 38 Senior System Officers and 127 System Officers at the District and Taluka Courts in the State of Maharashtra on contract basis for a period of twelve months.